Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lady Gaga Single "Born This Way" releasing on Friday

Lady Gaga Single
A single of Lady Gaga’s new album will be released on Friday.

Ahead of the release, Lady Gaga gave a preview of the new song and the album to the Vogue Magazine. For a start, the singer wants the song to be the greatest song of the decade.

The new single “Born This Way” took the singer just 10 minutes to pen. In fact the entire album was written while Gaga was on the road within an 18 month period. There are 17 tracks on the album.

Gaga revealed during the interview that Elton John described the “Born This Way” track as the “gayest song” that he has ever heard. It good that such a comparison is coming from somebody like Elton John.

The song will be played on radio at 6 am EST on Friday. The album which also has the title “Born This Way” will not be coming out until the 23rd of May.

There are other promising songs on the album. Vogue writer Jonathan Van Meter who interviewed Gaga previewed that “Second single Judas is, typically, a mashup: the melody sounds like it was written for the Ronettes, but it is set to a sledgehammering dance beat and is about falling in love with backstabbing men of the biblical variety.”(

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