Saturday, May 23, 2009

Singing With Passion.........Pit.

Lately, Passion Pit has been showing up a lot on the blog! That's because we are very excited about the brilliant response the group's debut album, Manners, has been getting from both critics and fans alike! In February, Fader Magazine posted a video of our time in the studio recording supporting vocals for the album. We loved Fader's footage, and now we present ours, courtesy of Miss Lisa. This really gives insight into what a really amazing person lead singer and songwriter Michael Angelakos is. Below is the video footage. For pictures and a thorough write-up of the day click here.

Clip 1 of 7:

1) The kids meet Michael Angelakos who notes the Passion Pit/PS22 Chorus combo is "a perfect pairing"
2) Michael gives us direction
3) Giuseppe gets fired....
4) The chorus make donations to Passion Pit..... while recording.
5) The kids let their love grow tall.
6) Screamfest on The Reeling!

Clip 2 of 7:

Michael Angelakos cheers up Eric. What a cool guy! Mike definitely has an alternate career to fall back on..... not that it's looking like he'll need one any time soon!

Clip 3 of 7:

1) The kids are at first a little taken aback by my passing the reigns to Michael for this song. I found that kind of sweet actually..... They got over it quick, once they realized they were in excellent hands!

2) Vocal calisthenics with Michael Angelakos!

3) A million degrees in the studio, and the kids are THIRSTY!

4) Mr. B gets a brilliant idea.....

5) Mrs. Johnson gums up the works.

Clip 4 of 7:

Are YOU smarter than a fifth grader? Elijah astounds both Michael AND his music teacher with his highly impressive movie trivia skillz. Another example of just how cultured the kids in the PS22 Chorus really are! :)

Clip 5 of 7:

1) An awesome thank you to the chorus from Michael Angelakos for their help in making his vision complete. It was a really special moment.

2) The studio is a bit... ripe....

3) Michael hangs with the kids, who learn he's most definitely NOT from Smelly-ville NJ. Although they may have wanted to consider giving that name to Gigantic Sudios after we left......

Clip 6 of 7:

1) A little bit of an acoustic version of "Little Secrets"

2) Goodbyes....

Clip 7 of 7:

Michael Angelakos and the chorus do a spontaneous acoustic version of their breakout hit, "Sleepyhead" just for fun!

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