Sunday, October 21, 2007

The PS22 Chorus at Tribute WTC Museum!

Daniel M., Islam, Courtney, Michael, Lonsdale, & Daniel B. checking out the exhibit

Here is a selection from the PS22 Chorus performance at the World Trade Center Museum. It was truly an emotional day, and the wonderful folks at Tribute WTC made us feel right at home. The song was beautifully filmed by professional videographer Jonathan Rivera, uncle of Carmelo, the former chorus member (current headbanger!) who sang at the museum with us.

The song is "We're N.Y.C." originally "It's Gonna Be Me" by N'Sync. The song was rewritten by one of our fifth grade classes as their contribution to our Sept. 11 tribute movie, THE CONFERENCE that is currently being featured as part of an exhibit at the museum.


The chorus checking out PS22's video entry at Tribute's Children's exhibit!

The PS22 Chorus with the incredible museum staff!

PS22 Chorus alumnus Carmelo striking his best rock star pose!

Altos singing soulfully...

...and the Sopranos following suit....

When Angela and Isaac sing, "Time" stops to listen....

Mrs. Burns & Mr. B posin' with Jarred

Robert stops a moment to take it all in.

Matthew having a good ol' time!

Tribute curator Lee Ielpe with the chorus

Carmelo laughing it up with Museum Curator Meriam Lobel

Alexandra performing her amazing rendition of "Amazing Grace"

Isaiah singing with his usual soulfulness.

The men of the chorus making their presence known!

Groupies Mrs. Johnson & Mrs. Burns hangin' with the sopranos!

Wessede, Mr. B, and Aminah beaming after a great performance and a great day!

For more on the PS22 Chorus's Affiliation With Tribute WTC museum, click on the following links:

PS22 Receives An Award From Tribute WTC Museum

Tribute WTC Museum Exhibit Opens Featuring PS22's September 11th Docu-Drama

See Excerpts From PS22's September 11th Docu-Drama Currently Featured In Tribute WTC Museum Exhibit

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