Monday, July 16, 2007

The New World Trade Center Museum Exhibit Opens Tomorrow, Featuring Excerpts From The PS22 Film, "The Conference"

Several months ago we posted about having been contacted by Tribute WTC 9/11 Visitor Center, asking permission to use excerpts from PS22's 2002 documentary/film focusing on September 11th, in their upcoming exhibit. (You can see that post here: PS22 Chorus: World Trade Center Museum Is Interested In P.S.22's September 11th Docu-drama For Possible Exhibition.) We are proud to announce that tomorrow evening from 6:00 - 8:00 PM will be the reception celebrating the opening new exhibit that does indeed feature video excerpts and written quotes from our video. It formally opens to the public on Wednesday, and will close on January 18th (despite the incorrect closing date printed on the invitation below).

The theme of the new exhibit is children's responses to the events of September 11th. The museum will be incorporating footage from all 3 components of PS22's film entry (documentary, scripted acting, and choral selections). We are honored and humbled with regard to our inclusion in this extremely special exhibit, and any and all are invited to attend. The above pic and the following info is from the invitation we received from WTC Tribute:

(Click to enlarge)

We hope that you will be able to come down and witness the loving care and hard work the museum has put into its new exhibit. Our previous visit to the museum was a breathtaking, deeply emotional experience -- and we encourage you to come down and see for yourself. We assure you it will be a moving experience that you will never forget.

Congratulations to all the PS22 students involved in the making of the movie, on achieving a place in history. If you would like to see some excerpts from our September 11th movie, click on the following link: PS22 Chorus: Excerpts from "The Conference", PS22's award-winning September 11th Movie

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