Monday, November 26, 2007

PS22 Chorus 2003 Classic Holiday Show Performance

Tiana & Zoisa open the show oh so adorably with, "Gee Whiz! It's Christmas" by Carla Thomas!

Clive's immortal performance of "Back Door Santa"!!

Dritan does his awesome Chanukah rap for Esa Enai, a Hebrew traditional.

Shaina kissin' up to Santa, with her spot on singing of "(Back Door) Santa Baby"!

Deon gets majorly dissed by Santa and sings his "Christmas Blues", which he wrote himself! Afterwards he sings the song he performed in our 2003 American Idol competition, Anquette's "I Will Always Be There For You".

Here's another version of "I Will Always Be There For You" which I like even better!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

PS22 Chorus 2001 Classic Holiday Show Performance

As this year's chorus is hard at work preparing for PS22's 9th annual holiday choral concert, we thought we'd whet your appetites for the holiday season with some classic performances from past winter shows. We begin with the holiday choral concert of 2001!!!

Our rip-roaring rendition of Destiny's Child's R&B classic, "Independent Women", rewritten for the holidays! "Santa hear this! Bring on Christmas! Throw those presents at me!" The soloists in blue are:

Kimberly in blue (ultracool, and sister of current chorus member, Justin)

Raven in blue (great singer and great basketball player!)

Adiza in white ('The Diz' who's gone on to LaGuardia High School for vocal music!) &

Jasmine in white (currently the CEO of her own ethnic hair and skin product line, Edenbodyworks. Check out her accomplishments, including appearances on Montel Williams, Donny Deutch, & Oprah here)

A song we used for Chanukah, called Zichronot M'Afrika by Shlomo Gronich! The kids did a great job on an extremely difficult song! Calixto and Christina did sound fantastic as a duo.

Here is an original song we used for our holiday show AND our September 11th docu-drama currently being exhibited at TRIBUTE WTC, The World Trade Center Museum in NYC. It's called "A Healing", and Carmelo sings the song so beautifully. Check out his amazing recent performance of the same song (only six years later!), from our recent performance at Tribute WTC in October.

And finally, here is the chorus featuring two of the greatest, O'Neil and Kemi, singing the beautiful song by John Gorka called "Bells On Christmas Day". I've always loved this song, and the kids do it here so well.

Monday, November 5, 2007

2 More Classic American Idol Performances!

Two more performances from our original American Idol competition have been added to our 2003 American Idol page.

First, here is the winner of the 5th grade chorus member category, Farouk, singing "Hush Lil' Lady", the great song by Corey and Lil' Romeo!

And here is little Zaria in kindergarten when she stole the show with her amazing performance of the spiritual, "Do Lord". No surprise that Zaria is currently a star member of this year's PS22 Chorus!

For more classic American Idol 2003 highlights, click here.

For highlights of our 2005 American Idol 2 competition, click here.