Well yesterday was a dream come true. I'm not ashamed to say it may well have been the most amazing day of my life -- and I think my chorus feels the same! I'm sure it is quite obvious by the abundance of her songs on our blog, Tori Amos plays quite a big part in our repertoire. Well thanks to the talent, dedication, and hard work of our chorus, they earned themselves the opportunity of a lifetime. After seeing some of the videos of the chorus (that are posted on our blog), Tori not only agreed, but insisted on meeting the most talented kids in the world at the Sony Atrium in New York City! She even insisted on singing WITH them!!
As you will hear from the mouths of the children themselves, this was an unforgettable experience for all involved -- and certainly the music teacher!! It was such a blessing for me personally to be able to share my pride and joy (the chorus) with my own personal hero and inspiration.
Tori, the children and I are so grateful for your time, as we all know you are VERY busy promoting your amazing new album. We wish you all the success you deserve and thank you with all our hearts for what you've given us -- the memory of a lifetime. It was so gratifying to see that we touched your heart the way you've touched ours.
Thank you to the people at SONY (Kristen, Lois, & Sarah) for arranging this cataclysmic union between two of the greatest musical talents out there -- Tori Amos and The PS22 Chorus!
Now go watch the festivities!!
The PS22 Chorus make Tori cry!! (We are inclined to think in a good way....)
Tori sings an acoustic guitar version of "Father's Son" with the chorus! Her voice is 'liquid diamonds' here.
Pics, signing, fainting....
Fainting, cheering, dreams come true, obligatory Sanjaya-hating by Mariama, and Tori-lovin'!
Some reflections from the chorus on our unforgettable day (and some Sanjaya hating from Mariama!).... And to my chorus members who are reading this, I am so proud of how wise you are in understanding the depth of the gift we've been given. Heck, I'm just so proud of you!!
UPDATE 5/5/07 (More pics)Tori Protected by the Sopranos.....
Mariama: "Tori can SING!" And Tyrell (our local paparazzi!) taking a break from snapping pics of Tori on his cell phone!
Talented AND Beautiful!
"Repeat After Me...."
Tori Gets Down To The Music
"My Chorus Is Laughing At Me, Tori...."
It's A Happy Day
The altos singing their hearts out for Tori!
Tori Amos delighted to have met The PS22 Chorus Posse!
Tori applauding a job well done!! ThE cHoRuS rOckS!
UPDATE: There is much more posted throughout the blog on the aftermath of our Tori Amos adventure, including pics, autographs, write-ups in The New York Daily News, USA Today, VH1 Blog, and much more. Tori herself has since mentioned the chorus in interviews (the quotes at the top left of the page on the sidebar), and those articles can also be found on the blog if you look in the May, June, and July 2007 archives.