Friday, April 27, 2007

PS22 Chorus slays Tori Amos' "Dragon" (in a GOOD way!!)

This is a new song we just started working on! And if my chorus is watching -- and they BETTER be ;) -- make SURE you do your "homework" this weekend.... ;)

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Come Sit In On A 2007 PS22 Chorus Rehearsal

PS22 is getting ready to debut their original musical production, THE 14 CARROT FAIRY TALE! Below are some songs and funny moments from the chorus rehearsal! It's fun to watch everybody enjoying themselves!! (And Mr. B bouncing around like a banana at the piano!) Oh, btw, hi Banana (Breana)!! ;)

Dario sings SOOOOO beautifully, as does the chorus, on this beautiful song written by JUSTIN & Mr. B. This song, like the already classic PS22 Chorus song "BETHLEHEM", was written by JUSTIN & Mr. B while improvising. (You can hear JUSTIN sing the original improv that lead to "KEEP ON GOING" by clicking here: Justin & Mr. B -- Keep On Going))

Eric sings brilliantly on Gloria Gaynor's hit disco classic, "I Will Survive!"

And finally, a nice version of BOUNCING OFF CLOUDS with gym teacher, musician extraordinaire, & nicest guy ever, Mr. Eberle!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Footage from The Black Achievement Awards!

On Feb. 25, Justin represented the chorus (because of rough weather) at the 2007 Black Achievement Awards with Borough President James Molinaro hosting the event. It was a thrill to see Anthony Tucker, the sibling of two of our chorus greats, Ben & Eric Tucker, as one of the three award recipients. He and his family came from a war-torn Liberia, and hearing his story was emotional and inspirational. CONGRATULATIONS to Anthony & the Tucker family.

Justin sings the Star Spangled Banner.

Justin sings Bethlehem, the song that he and I wrote while improvising one day.